Friday, March 28, 2014

How Reseach Benifits Students


Research in the first year of a college course is important because it teaches students the trait to go out and use different sources to get the information they want. Without proper research it would be hard to find the information needed to have in order to compose and right a paper that you do not have that much background information. The first year in college is one of the toughest years for a college student because it is a new level of learning. We learn different thing in the first year of college and researching information is one of the most important things that you learn your first year of college because you will need it to throughout your whole college career. There are different ways to research different information. Some ways I like to research depending on the topic is though my local library. I try to find different books and magazines that are dealing with my topic to find information needed in order to finish my research. The more convenient way of researching is using the internet. The internet has so many websites that you can find just about anything on there. There are different search engines were you can type in a key word a find out anything about that topic which is really resourceful when doing research. Also you can use the internet to find different numbers to call to gain more information to use for your research. Researches papers are good ways to use your information you found in order for you to have enough information to write your paper or find out the information in order to have the knowledge for your work. I like to use Google for my search engine because it helps me find the information needed to finish my work faster.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Taking the SAT

By Andre D

When taking the SAT I had to take five times to get a good score. I had prepared well and was going to tutoring every Sunday to be prepared at the best that I can be. With all the studying and preparing that I had done I was pretty sure that I was going to get a good score on the exam, but I didn’t. I found that SAT had words that I have never seen or used in high school and sense being in college for almost a year I haven’t encountered any of those words either. The first time I had took the SAT was when I was in the 11th grade. It was really important to me because without a good score I couldn’t get into a good school for football. When I had gone in the school I was completely unprepared. I did not bring a computer or something to eat to snack on during the breaks which had made me focused on the rumbling of my stomach instead of the test. After taking the SAT a couple of times my tutor decided that it would be best if I take the ACT sense it was a little bit easier.

I found out that she was right, it was easier and instead of skipping an question you don’t know on the SAT I was allowed to guess on the ACT without getting penalized for getting an answer incorrect. After taking both tests I had felt unsure on if I had did a good job or not. Leaving the test site I was drained out with all my energy and had no confidence on weather my score was good enough to get into the schools I wanted to go to. Before taking the two tests I had really felt nervous because the rest of my four years and where I will be at for school was riding out on these test scores. After seeing my test scores I knew that wasn’t a reflection of my ability. I was used to getting good grades and being on the honor roll and when I had received my test scores you would thought otherwise. I think the new SAT will benefit student more and work more in the favor. Even though I didn’t score really high on the test I am still managing to do well in college and have good grades.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Helping Hands

Andre D There have been numerous occasions where I have done thing for others without thinking twice. When I perform this act, it’s usually with me not knowing. If I can help someone out or do something for a person that needs my help I would do it without thinking twice. A certain situation that had did that sticks out the most to me is when I shoveled my next door neighbors drive way for them without them having to ask just because they were much older than me and I knew they wouldn’t be able to do it as quickly as me. After I do something for someone either less fortunate or not able to do what I can feel accomplished and good about myself. It always puts a smile on my face to put a smile on someone else face. I was always told if you do for others, others will do for you. Some people tend to help people just for a reward. When I helped my neighbor out I was not expecting to get anything in return but they had paid me just for helping them out. After I receive payments for doing certain things it makes me feel as if it was a job and takes away from the experience. I remember doing work for my grandma and refusing the money but she wouldn’t let me turn it down. She had forced me to take the money after doing a job as simple as pulling weeds out her flower bed. Also I had helped her carry some groceries and she had forced me to take some money even though I was already out with her. I guess that’s just the giving spirit of my grandma. Having a feeling of helping someone out is a tremendous feeling. It puts smiles on others faces and make me feel like a better places. I love helping little kids because they tend to look up to you as a role model. Being an athlete I had to work football camps around the area helping young football players develop and they loved it. They wanted to know everything I had to offer and they absorbed it up like plants. Giving knowledge about football to younger players helps me to love the sport even more. People who tend to things for others just for a reward tend not to get much. The ones that ask for nothing in return get more because they not expecting anything. Im always for helping someone out, but at the same time they have to be willing to help themselves first. I chose to be an organ donor because when I pass am not going be able to use any of my organs so why not help someone out with out knowing.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

what makes a good president

Andre D The qualities that make a have a lot to do weather he/she will produce for our economy and be able to serve two terms. A good president will listen to the demands and request from the people and compromise and help make changes to satisfy the people. A good president stand for the people, he takes action to make our nation a better place to live. Our president should make us feel safe and also free, we shouldn’t have to be worrying about terrorist attacks and other war activities. A good president should also interact with the people of America throughout all the states. All though the president is the commandeering chief, he can’t pass any laws without it first going through congress. This limits how quick change can come depending on the congress an in fact if any changes the presidents want go through. The president has some limitation but he does have a lot of power. The president can bring attention though to problems that he stand for. Realistic and reasonable laws though can be brought up and be put in order quick depending on the congress. The president should present laws that benefit everyone in the U.S and help our economy better. A good president knows how to deal with criticism. There is always going to be a lot of people who doesn’t agree with what you do. As the president you should take in and listen to everyone’s opinion you can possible. I would want my president to make changes that I can see. An example of that is bring our troops home all the way. I want to feel safe in my country and not nervous and scared that we are at war with other countries.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

What does Freedom mean to you

Andre D Freedom means something different to everyone. Freedom to me is having the ability or power to do what you want, say what you want, act how you want, or think as one without hindrance. Freedom can pertain to anyone. Freedom can be as simple as free from drama, stress, and not being controlled. People now days are free today but there are still some limitations to our freedom depending on where you are at in this country. Nelson Mandela is a prime example of how things are changing for the best in our society. He was once imprisoned but then later became the president of Africa. He has overcome a lot of obstacles in the process of becoming president and before he died I know he could sit here and tell us he was free. Freedom is simply the ability to choose. Freedom is taking ownership of your own life, starting with self-control, also can be stated as self-ownership. Freedom is choosing my own direction in life pursing my dreams to the best of my ability with no limits. The right to live or work anywhere, to have as many kids as you can make, or even the ability to further my education are all examples of freedom. What does freedom mean to you?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Views on Arguments and debates

Two years ago in my history class in high school, me and my peers where having a debate about the methods of Malcom X and Dr. Martin Luther king. These debates later caused arguments after class from me and my Bestfriend. We both wanted to get out point across that instead of having a debate professionally we ended up into a real bad argument. All though the two civil rights activists stood for the same thing they had different methods. By doing research on the two we came to an agreement that they both were very important but they just affected different crowds in the religious community. This experience is helping me write my paper because I have the experience and knowledge on how to research information and apply to my argument about man-made disasters. An important claim that I can use in my essay is that these disasters are getting worst and worst and there should be more supervision and inspections on the workers and the equipment that is being used for these private companies.

Friday, January 31, 2014

WV Chemical Spill

By Andre D. I think the new development on the chemicals spilling into the water in West Virginia is a bit scary. To know that it’s too dangerous for pregnant women to drink the water would make me not even want the mother of my child to even brush her teeth because some of the chemicals in the water that she may swallow on accident could harm the baby. In 9 counties in west Virginia more than 300,000 thousands resident were using contaminated water which could be very dangerous. Personal the contaminated water did not affect me nor my family because my family lives in Maryland but my prayers go out to the people that were affected by this. I think the West Virginia Department Of Environmental Protection should bring water from different counties in West Virginia or other nearby states to switch the water source until the contaminated water is cleaned up.