Friday, March 7, 2014

Taking the SAT

By Andre D

When taking the SAT I had to take five times to get a good score. I had prepared well and was going to tutoring every Sunday to be prepared at the best that I can be. With all the studying and preparing that I had done I was pretty sure that I was going to get a good score on the exam, but I didn’t. I found that SAT had words that I have never seen or used in high school and sense being in college for almost a year I haven’t encountered any of those words either. The first time I had took the SAT was when I was in the 11th grade. It was really important to me because without a good score I couldn’t get into a good school for football. When I had gone in the school I was completely unprepared. I did not bring a computer or something to eat to snack on during the breaks which had made me focused on the rumbling of my stomach instead of the test. After taking the SAT a couple of times my tutor decided that it would be best if I take the ACT sense it was a little bit easier.

I found out that she was right, it was easier and instead of skipping an question you don’t know on the SAT I was allowed to guess on the ACT without getting penalized for getting an answer incorrect. After taking both tests I had felt unsure on if I had did a good job or not. Leaving the test site I was drained out with all my energy and had no confidence on weather my score was good enough to get into the schools I wanted to go to. Before taking the two tests I had really felt nervous because the rest of my four years and where I will be at for school was riding out on these test scores. After seeing my test scores I knew that wasn’t a reflection of my ability. I was used to getting good grades and being on the honor roll and when I had received my test scores you would thought otherwise. I think the new SAT will benefit student more and work more in the favor. Even though I didn’t score really high on the test I am still managing to do well in college and have good grades.

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