Sunday, March 2, 2014

Helping Hands

Andre D There have been numerous occasions where I have done thing for others without thinking twice. When I perform this act, it’s usually with me not knowing. If I can help someone out or do something for a person that needs my help I would do it without thinking twice. A certain situation that had did that sticks out the most to me is when I shoveled my next door neighbors drive way for them without them having to ask just because they were much older than me and I knew they wouldn’t be able to do it as quickly as me. After I do something for someone either less fortunate or not able to do what I can feel accomplished and good about myself. It always puts a smile on my face to put a smile on someone else face. I was always told if you do for others, others will do for you. Some people tend to help people just for a reward. When I helped my neighbor out I was not expecting to get anything in return but they had paid me just for helping them out. After I receive payments for doing certain things it makes me feel as if it was a job and takes away from the experience. I remember doing work for my grandma and refusing the money but she wouldn’t let me turn it down. She had forced me to take the money after doing a job as simple as pulling weeds out her flower bed. Also I had helped her carry some groceries and she had forced me to take some money even though I was already out with her. I guess that’s just the giving spirit of my grandma. Having a feeling of helping someone out is a tremendous feeling. It puts smiles on others faces and make me feel like a better places. I love helping little kids because they tend to look up to you as a role model. Being an athlete I had to work football camps around the area helping young football players develop and they loved it. They wanted to know everything I had to offer and they absorbed it up like plants. Giving knowledge about football to younger players helps me to love the sport even more. People who tend to things for others just for a reward tend not to get much. The ones that ask for nothing in return get more because they not expecting anything. Im always for helping someone out, but at the same time they have to be willing to help themselves first. I chose to be an organ donor because when I pass am not going be able to use any of my organs so why not help someone out with out knowing.

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