Sunday, February 16, 2014

What does Freedom mean to you

Andre D Freedom means something different to everyone. Freedom to me is having the ability or power to do what you want, say what you want, act how you want, or think as one without hindrance. Freedom can pertain to anyone. Freedom can be as simple as free from drama, stress, and not being controlled. People now days are free today but there are still some limitations to our freedom depending on where you are at in this country. Nelson Mandela is a prime example of how things are changing for the best in our society. He was once imprisoned but then later became the president of Africa. He has overcome a lot of obstacles in the process of becoming president and before he died I know he could sit here and tell us he was free. Freedom is simply the ability to choose. Freedom is taking ownership of your own life, starting with self-control, also can be stated as self-ownership. Freedom is choosing my own direction in life pursing my dreams to the best of my ability with no limits. The right to live or work anywhere, to have as many kids as you can make, or even the ability to further my education are all examples of freedom. What does freedom mean to you?

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